NATO Field Report
Hannah Christensen is the Senior Advisor and Gender Advisor to the NATO Field School.
Amy Topshee is the Alumni Coordinator and an alumna of the 2022 NATO Field School.
Solomon Rodgers is a Producer of the Field Report Podcast, and an alumnus of the 2022 NATO Field School.
Morgan Cowley is a Producer of the Field Report Podcast, and an alumna of the 2022 NATO Field School.
…and the 2023 and 2024 NATO Field School students!
Episode 12 - Spotlight on NATO on the Ballot: US and Latvia
4 November 2024
Welcome to a new episode of the Field Report's Spotlight Series, brought to you by the students of the 2024 NATO Field School. The Spotlight Series will shine a light on key issues and threats in the landscape of security and defence through expert analysis and in-depth discussions.
How have NATO, security, and defence topics impacted electoral campaigns and voters' decisions? In today's episode, Chloe Duguay, Matt Howell, Adam Ivanovic, and Santiago Palacios are joined by Dr Toms Rostoks and Dr Steve Saideman to discuss how security and defence issues can, and have, impacted electoral campaigns. First, Dr Rostoks gives an overview of the incorporation of security and defence issues in Latvian politics, from NATO membership when Latvia regained its independence from the Soviet Union, up to the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. Then, the team goes to Dr Saideman to discuss what's on all our minds, the upcoming US election.
This episode was created during the 2024 NATO Field School by:
Chloe Duguay, an international relations honours student at Mount Allison University. She is currently completing research on NATO's role in upholding climate security and is an executive member of the Young Diplomats of Canada.
Adam Ivanovic, an International Studies student at Simon Fraser University.
Matt Howell, a political science honours student at the Royal Military College.
Santiago Palacios, a political studies honours student at Queens University, focussing on NATO, international affairs, and the Canadian Armed Forces.
Our special guests are:
Dr Toms Rostoks, an Associate Professor at the University of Latvia and the Director of the Centre for Security and Strategic Research at the Latvian National Defence Academy.Dr Steve Saideman, Director the Canadian Defence and Security Network and co-host of the Battle Rhythm Podcast!
With special thanks to our Spotlight Series producer, Morgan Cowley.
Episode 11: Reporting from the 2024 NATO Summit: Part 2
In this second part of a two-part series on the 2024 NATO Summit, NATO Field School staff Sasha and Amy take you behind the scenes of Day 2 of the NATO Public Forum, held in Washington, DC in July 2024, alongside the NATO Summit. Join Sasha and Amy as they share their live reactions and insights, recorded in real-time between summit discussions. This episode will immerse you in the event, making you feel like you were right there with them!
This is Part 2 of a two-part series. Check out part 1, released on October 1st.
The NATO Field School is proud to be the Canadian institutional partner of the NATO Public Forum. Thank you to the NATO Public Diplomacy Division for their continued support.
Amy Topshee is the NATO Field School Alumni Coordinator and an alumna of the 2022 NATO Field School. She has a BA (Hons) in Political Science with International Relations from the University of British Columbia and recently completed a 6-month internship in the BC Legislature.
Sasha Kardos-Machado is the NATO Field School Communications and Outreach Coordinator and an alumna of the 2024 NATO Field School. She is in her final year at Bishop's University, pursuing an BA (Hons) in International Studies with a minor in Political Studies.
Episode 10 Reporting from the 2024 NATO Summit: Part 1
For the 10th episode of The Field Report, NATO Field School staff Sasha and Amy take you behind the scenes of the 2024 NATO Summit, held in Washington, D.C., where NATO celebrated its 75th anniversary. Join Sasha and Amy as they share their live reactions and insights, recorded in real-time between summit discussions. This episode will immerse you in the event, making you feel like you were right there with them!
The NATO Field School is proud to be the Canadian institutional partner of the NATO Public Forum. Thank you to the NATO Public Diplomacy Division for their continued support.
Amy Topshee is the NATO Field School Alumni Coordinator and an alumna of the 2022 NATO Field School. She has a BA (Hons) in Political Science with International Relations from the University of British Columbia and recently completed a 6-month internship in the BC Legislature.
Sasha Kardos-Machado is the NATO Field School Communications and Outreach Coordinator and an alumna of the 2024 NATO Field School. She is in her final year at Bishop's University, pursuing an BA (Hons) in International Studies with a minor in Political Studies.
Episode 9: Congressional Affairs And Canada - US Relations
In this 9th episode of the Field Report, Amy Topshee and Lauren Mannix take you inside the Canadian Embassy in Washington D.C. for a conversation with Wendy Boudreau and Mandy Sheldrake, members of the Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs section.
Wendy and Mandy shed light on the purpose of their team and how it is unique among the many embassies in D.C., clarify common misunderstandings about the dynamics of Canada-U.S. relations, and emphasize the importance of proactive advocacy to ensure that U.S. lawmakers appreciate the mutual benefits of this bilateral relationship.
Wendy Boudreau is a Congressional Liaison Officer at the Canadian Embassy in D.C, on a rotational position as part of the Canadian Foreign Service.
Mandy Sheldrake is a Congressional Liaison Officer at the Canadian Embassy in D.C., she is a Locally Engaged employee who has worked at the Embassy for 18 years.
Amy Topshee is an alumnus of the 2022 NATO Field School and 2023 NATO Field School Intern, she is currently working as a Legislative Intern in the British Columbia Legislature.
Lauren Mannix is a Research Coordinator for the Conference of Defence Associations Institute and an alumnus of the 2022 NATO Field School.
Episode 8 - Reflecting on NATO@75 with Dr Ian Hope
This episode of the Field Report was presented by:
Hannah Christensen, Program Manager of the NATO Field School, and Sophie Sacilotto, a Masters student in the Centre of European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies at the University of Toronto. With special thanks to our Field Report Production team for their support.
Our special guest today is Dr, Col (ret'd) Ian Hope. Dr Hope is a retired military official with 40 years of experience, including the first Gulf War, as well as multiple tours in the Balkans, Africa, and Afghanistan. He commanded the 1st Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry Battle Group, Task Force Orion, in combat in Kandahar in 2006, the Canadian battlegroup which experienced the first major land combat operations since the Korean War, earning him the Meritorious Service Cross. Dr Hope holds a PhD from Queen's University in American Military History, and has studied strategic studies and military theory and history from the United States Army War College and the School of Advanced Military Studies. He has also served on the faculty of the US Army War College, the Royal Military College, and the NATO Defense College.
Episode 7 NATO@75: Discussing eFP Latvia
As NATO reaches its 75th anniversary, the NATO Field School is taking the opportunity to reflect on one of Canada's largest recent involvements in NATO, leading the Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) in Latvia.
In today's episode, hosts Chris Babcock and Hannah Christensen sit down with Brigadier-General Rutland, the Chief of Staff, Operations, for the Canadian Army, and the first Commanding Officer of the Enhanced Forward Presence in 2017, to discuss the eFP's scaling up from battlegroup to brigade, the unique nature of eFP Latvia is the most multi-national of all the eFPs, and what opportunities and challenges this commitment presents for the Canadian Armed Forces.
This episode of the Field Report was presented by:
Chris Babcock, a Masters student at Carleton University, and
Hannah Christensen, Program Manager of the NATO Field School. With special thanks to our Field Report Production team for their support.
Our special guest today BGen Rutland, Chief of Staff, Operations, CAF. BGen Rutland joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1995 as a primary reservist. In 2017, while commander of First Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, he deployed as the first Commanding Officer of the Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group. For this deployment, he was named an Officer of the Order of Viesturs, in recognition of his contributions to the promotion of security and defence in Latvia.
Episode 5 and 6
Spotlight on Women, Peace and Security Part 1 and part 2
Welcome to a new episode of the Field Report's Spotlight Series, brought to you by the students of the 2023 NATO Field School.
In this 2 part series, hosts Theodosios Terry Nikolaidis and Lauren Parry discuss Women, Peace, and Security in NATO with Dr Florence Gaub, Research Director at the NATO Defense College, Dr Stéfanie von Hlatky, and OCdt Zoe Hollander.
This episode of the Field Report was created during the 2023 NATO Field School by:
Ashlee Ahn, a Political Science student at the University of British Columbia,
Abigail Lauder, a History and Political Science student at the University of Alberta,
Theodosios Terry Nikolaidis, a Global Political Studies student at York University, and Lauren Parry, a recent Political Science and Legal Studies graduate from Simon Fraser University. With special thanks to our Spotlight Series producer, Morgan Cowley.
Episode 4
Spotlight On Canadian Military Spending And Culture
Welcome to the first episode of the Field Report's Spotlight Series, brought to you by the students of the 2023 NATO Field School. The Spotlight Series will shine a light on key issues and threats in the landscape of security and defence through expert analysis and in-depth discussions.
In today's episode, Zander van Asperen is joined by Azaly Addam, Pyper Lane, Alexa Maierle, and Mackenzie Nauss discuss what impacts Canada not reaching NATO's 2% of GDP spending goal has on the CAF and how the culture within in the CAF informs Canada's role, reputation, and image within NATO.
This episode was created during the 2023 NATO Field School by:
Azaly Addam, a Political Science and International Relations student at the University of British Columbia, and a Non-Commissioned Member, Sailor, 1st Class, in the Royal Canadian Navy Reserve.
Pyper Lane, a Political Science and Philosophy student at Saint Mary's University
Alexa Maierle, a Political Science and History student at Simon Fraser University
Mackenzie Nauss, an Officer Cadet, studying Political Science at the Royal Military College.
Zander van Asperen, a Political Studies student at Queens University.
Episode 3
Reporting from Vilnius: the 2023 NATO Summit
In this instalment of The Field Report, we discuss the Vilnius Summit, where the NATO Field School was the Canadian institutional partner at the NATO Public Forum, an event taking place on the sidelines of the NATO Summit. Dr Alexander Moens, our NATO Field School Director, and Dr Toms Rostoks, Director of the Centre for Security and Strategic Research at the Latvian National Defence Academy, both of whom were on the ground in Vilnius during the summit, will join our hosts for this episode, Hannah Christensen and Ethan Clow, to discuss their key takeaways from the event and the Summit as a whole, including Swedish accession to NATO, support for Ukraine, and the challenges of China, and much more!
Thank you again to the NATO Public Diplomacy Division for their continued support of our program. We were honoured to be recognized as the Canadian institutional partner of the 2023 NATO Public Forum.
Dr Alexander Moens is the Director of the NATO Field School and Simulation Program.
Dr Toms Rostoks is an Associate Professor at the University of Latvia and the Director of the Centre for Security and Strategic Research at the Latvian National Defence Academy.
Hannah Christensen is the Program Coordinator of the NATO Field School.
Ethan Clow is a Masters student at McGill University and an alumnus of the 2023 NATO Field School.
Episode 2
Reporting from Madrid: the 2022 NATO Summit
In this installment of The Field Report, we take you to Madrid, Spain, the host city of the 2022 NATO Summit. Leading up to and during the summit, 2022 Field School alumna, Miriam Hadjeres Montero, worked for the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in support of the event. Miriam is joined by fellow 2022 NATO Field School alumna and 2023 NATO Field School Intern, Amy Topshee, to discuss the significance of NATO Summits, delve into standout moments from Madrid, and gain valuable insights from Miriam's firsthand experience as a young professional working alongside this historic event.
This is Part 1 of a compelling two-part discussion on the world of NATO Summits. Stay tuned for our next episode, where we'll hear from Field School Director Dr. Moens, who was on the ground in Vilnius for the 2023 NATO Summit!
Amy Topshee is an alumna of the 2022 NATO Field School and 2023 NATO Field School Intern. She recently graduated from the University of British Columbia with a BA Honours in Political Science and International Relations. This January she will begin an internship in the BC Legislature.
Miriam Hadjeres Montero is an alumna of the 2022 NATO Field School and a recent graduate of the International Masters in Security, Intelligence, and Strategic Studies program. During 2022, Miriam worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of Spain in support of Madrid Summit. Miriam will be graduating next October with a Professional Master's in Intelligence and Geopolitical Analysis.
Epsiode 1
Reporting from Calgary: News Media and National Defence
Welcome to the first episode of the Field Report, brought to you by the students and staff of the NATO Field School at Simon Fraser University. In each episode, you'll hear from our team, as well as security and defence experts and practitioners on what we've been about to learn about security and defence while in the field.
In this first episode of the Field Report, we travel to Calgary, Alberta, where several alumni took part in a CDSN workshop focussed on the relationship between news media and national defence. We will discuss their takeaways from this workshop as well as speak with Dr Jean-Christophe Boucher, CDSN Co-Director and the lead organizer of the workshop itself!
Dr. Jean-Christophe Boucher is an Associate Professor at the School of Public Policy and at the Department of Political Science at the University of Calgary as well as a Co-Director with the Civilian-Military Relations theme of the CDSN. He holds a BA in History from the University of Ottawa, a MA in Philosophy from the Université de Montréal and a PhD in Political Science from Université Laval. He specializes in international relations, with an emphasis on foreign policy, international security, and data analytics.