Online Event — CDSN-RCDS

Online Event

COVID Response Conference


The Canadian Defence and Security Network COVID-19 Year Two Conference

Description: Last year, we held a rapid response conference about a month into the Canadian pandemic, responding to questions we solicited from DND/CAF.  We produced a memo that was circulated within government, which then influenced the agendas of the MINDS-funded networks.  So, we are going to do this again: solicit questions from government, hold a brainstorming session, and then provide a memo. 

Like last year, we understand that many of you do not have much (or any) time for this given that you may have children at home and other constraints.  It is also grading season.  However, all of us have been thinking about this crisis, and I know that collectively there is much y’all can add to the government’s understanding of what we are experiencing and what we ought to do next.   We are sending an invite to our entire network and to the other networks in Canada to get as many people on this as possible.  All we are asking of people is two hours of time to think about scenarios and questions provided by DND, GAC, and maybe some other agencies. This will require very little preparation beforehand, as I am sure all of you are following the pandemic and the government’s responses to it. 

 We will provide specific instructions and resources in the days ahead of the event. 

 How:  Zoom.  

When:  1PM EDT/10AM PDT, April 19th , for two hours.

What: To consider questions/scenarios given to us by government agencies and to produce a series of policy recommendations in a short policy brief written up by CDSN HQ.

Output:  Brief policy paper to inform government.

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